Peringatan keras: setiap karya yang dimuat di Writing Session dilindungi UU hak cipta & penjiplakan pada karya tersebut memiliki sanksi!

Senin, 22 November 2010

Tema 22 November 2010

Tema malam ini adalah membuat lirik lagu. Seperti apakah cara menulis lirik lagu? Lirik lagu seperti apakah yang mungkin akan keluar dari tanganmu?

Ada banyak sekali artikel tentang cara menulis lagu yang baik, tapi intinya, menurut Robin Frederick dalam websitenya, adalah:
a. Buat lirik yang memberikan dampak emosional, apakah itu senang, santai, sedih.
b. Permulaan: "Start your song with a title that appeals to you. Make sure it's a phrase that rings true in your ears. Something that makes you say, "I've got to know more about that!"
c. Langkah pertama: First: Ask Questions. Start by asking the questions this title wants to have answered. Let's say your title is "I Drove All Night." What questions need to be answered: "Where did you go?" and "Why did you do that?"
d. Langkah kedua: Make a list of words, phrases, or images suggested by the title. "California Girl" obviously makes me think of sun, waves, warmth, ocean, paradise, beach, sand, etc.
e. Song structure:
Verse: The verses in a song all have the same melody but different lyrics. The verse lyrics give us information about the situation, emotions, or people in the song.
Chorus: We may hear the chorus of a song three, four or more times. The lyric and melody remain the same each time it recurs.The chorus lyrics sums up the heart of the song. The title of the song almost always appears in the chorus section and may be repeated two or more times.
Bridge: The bridge has a different melody, lyrics, and chord progression from the verse or chorus. It provides a break from the repetition of verse and chorus. The lyric often provides an insight or revealing moment.
Pre-chorus: Many of today's hits include a short section at the end of the verse that builds energy, letting the listener know that the chorus is coming. By creating a sense of anticipation, the chorus has even more punch when it finally arrives.

Tapi, di luar teori itu, bersenang-senanglah! Buat lirik lagumu sendiri!


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