Peringatan keras: setiap karya yang dimuat di Writing Session dilindungi UU hak cipta & penjiplakan pada karya tersebut memiliki sanksi!

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Why is it so difficult to give somebody the second chance?

writen by @abi_ardianda

A Coonversation.

I still love you, why do you wanna just stay friend with me? It's hurt.

Because even as fiend, we still have a nice relationship as well.

I will never understand.

Show me the part which i should explain.

First, i've hurt you and asked to forgive me. And i don't understand why don't you give me a second chance. Or your heart doesn't love me anymore, but why? You know what, people may only wanna use you.

I never mind about what you've done. And i already forgive you, so don't worry. But please don't force me to love you back like i did. It is not as easy as the first time i decide to. Our heart is just like a glass, once it fall and cracked, we couldn't refix it perfectly.

Do you think mine isn't broken too?

I didn't wanna broke yours. You made me did. Sorry is the only word i can say.

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